Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Get to Know Middletown Township

We who are running on the Middletown United ticket in the municipal elections believe that the more that residents know about the Township, the more they can become vested in the community. We have a lot of challenges in the months and years ahead and will need everyone working together to meet these challenges.

The Township Web site notes: 

Middletown was among the fastest growing post-war suburbs in the Philadelphia area during the 1950's. The Township is a progressive community in a highly developed metropolitan region. Pressures for both residential and nonresidential growth continue to be strong forces for change in Middletown and much of the surrounding area. These conditions underscore the need for ongoing comprehensive planning in the Township.

Middletown is a unique and diverse community. It contains 19.4 square miles and is the third most populous of Bucks County's 54 municipalities. A significant amount of Middletown Township has been developed. The southern portion of the Township contains more densely populated residential subdivisions, including Levittown which was established during the 1950's. The central portion contains large areas devoted to retail and other commercial development. Western Middletown is largely an older residential area that is somewhat detached from the northern and southern sections because the Boroughs of Langhorne, Langhorne Manor, Penndel and Hulmeville are located "within" the municipal limits of the Township. The northern area contains the most recent residential development that not only includes houses on larger lots, but also neighborhoods dedicated to those residents aged 55 and over.

Particular care is being taken to conserve the natural environment and open space areas throughout the Township; from storm water management, the naturalization of retention basins, to the re-introduction of native plants throughout the parks and other open areas. Striking a balance between the Township's overall growth and preservations needs is the central theme of this comprehensive plan.

A comprehensive breakdown of nearly every aspect of the Township can be found at City-Data.com.

Get to know Middletown. Watch or come to meetings of your Board of Supervisors. Join some of the great activities sponsored by the Township's Parks and Recreation Department. It is a great place to live and together we can insure it gets even better in the years to come.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Environmental Disgrace

Last week, I joined Fire Marshall Jim McGuire by Queen Anne Creek where he was monitoring booms that had been put in place to soak up diesel fuel or home heating oil that had been dumped in a storm water drain on Queen Lily Road in Quincy Hollow.

Jim estimated that about 15 gallons of the oil had been illegally dumped down the drain and the boom lines had been set up to soak up the substance, most of which floats to the surface. Unfortunately, some of the oil residue can settle on the bottom, coating the substrate and whatever organisms live there, causing physiological stress to fish and other wildlife. Studies have shown that it takes up to 20 years for an aquatic environment to return to a healthy condition.

Closer to home, as Jim pointed out, this is where our children play or fish. As I mentioned during our discussion, a person who would dump waste oil on land or in storm drains is first and foremost lazy. There are dozens of locations throughout the area where it can be disposed of free of charge. It probably wouldn't take much more of an effort to deliver it to one of these locations that it took to dump it down a storm drain.

But, this person is worst than merely lazy – clearly he has no conscience or concern for the people of our community. If this person is a resident – and he most likely is – then it is hard to believe he has such little regard for his own back yard.

Middletown Township is offering a $500 reward for information resulting in the arrest and conviction of the person who has been dumping the waste oil at this location. If you have information about this incident or any illegal dumping, you are asked to call 215-750-3812.

This is where we live and it is up to each and everyone of us to keep it clean.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Public Service

Last night Chris and I attended the 98th Annual Banquet of the Penndel Fire Company. I am continually amazed at the dedication of the men and women volunteers who put themselves in harm’s way to keep our residents safe. Three other fire companies – Parkland Fire Company,, Langhorne-Middletown Fire Company and William Penn Fire Company – work with PFC to protect the citizens of Middletown Township.

Sitting at our table was a fellow
Neshaminy High School Class of 64 graduate, Rich Schramm. Rich has been serving the people of his community as a volunteer firefighter since his was 16 and is regularly one of the top responders in his company. He also serves as the Fire Safety Officer. Two other NHS classmates – Tony Esposito and John Cosgrove – were also at the dinner and we all had sort of a mini-reunion.

It is hard to be cynical about public service when you meet the men and women of our volunteer fire companies. Their only reward is the satisfaction they get from being there when needed. I hope that I live up to their standards in my service on the Middletown Board of Supervisors.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Campaign Underway

On May 19, voters will go to the polls to choose their candidates for the Middletown Township Board of Supervisors. One candidate in each party is running for the two-year unexpired term of former supervisor Diane Marseglia. The other two positions are for 6-year terms. All three of – Julie Sauerbry-Smith (candidate for two-year term), Harry Arnold and Chuck Thompson – are running unopposed.

That doesn’t mean, however, that our supporters shouldn’t go to the polls on May 19. We would like to see a large turnout to help set the tone for the general election campaign.

And, speaking of tone, the reason we will be maintaining this blog for the duration of the campaign – and, hopefully afterward as well – is:

  • To listen to the voters and learn what is important to you to maintain
    the quality of life you desire in Middletown Township.

  • To talk about our views and vision for a better Middletown Township.

  • And to act as a truth squad for any false or reckless claims made by out

So please join in. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.